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Also serving Newnan, Peachtree City, Fairburn, Tyrone, Chattahochee Hills, & South Fulton

At our clinic, we understand the importance of tailored care as your beloved rat companions enter their golden years. Our Geriatric Care Service is meticulously designed to cater to the changing health needs of aging rats, ensuring they enjoy a life filled with comfort and contentment. 

During regular health check-ups for senior rats, our dedicated veterinarians take a comprehensive approach to monitoring various aspects of their well-being. We closely assess for signs of arthritis, a common concern in older rats, as well as any indications of organ dysfunction or age-related issues that may affect their overall health. This proactive approach allows us to detect potential concerns early on, enabling us to implement targeted interventions and maintain the highest quality of life for your senior rat.

Geriatric care goes beyond routine examinations; it encompasses a holistic approach to your rat's health. Recognizing that dietary needs evolve with age, our veterinarians may recommend adjustments to your senior rat's diet to address specific nutritional requirements. Dental health is another crucial aspect addressed during geriatric care, as aging rats may be prone to dental issues such as malocclusion or overgrown teeth. 

Our team provides expert guidance on dental care practices at home and, when necessary, conducts in-clinic procedures to ensure your senior rat can eat comfortably. Additionally, we prioritize pain management to alleviate any discomfort associated with aging, ensuring that your cherished companion experiences their senior years with grace and dignity.

Our commitment to geriatric care extends beyond the clinic, as we work collaboratively with rat owners to provide them with the necessary knowledge and support. By tailoring our approach to the unique needs of aging rats, we aim to foster an environment where your senior rat not only receives exceptional veterinary care but also experiences the love and attention they deserve in their later stages of life. 

With our Geriatric Care Service, your rat can age gracefully, surrounded by compassionate and specialized care that enhances their well-being and deepens the bond between you and your cherished companion.

Frequently Asked Questions

After Hours Emergency Care

Auburn University
Emergency Service
1020 Wire Rd.,
Auburn, AL 36849
Sandy Springs
455 Abernathy Rd, NE,
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
University of Georgia
Emergency Service
2200 College Station Rd.,
Athens, GA 30602